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想象她十几岁时的未来, Johanna Hoxell envisioned two potential career paths: becoming a doctor or an engineer. Although her decision may have been influenced by a tiny desire to rebel against her dad, 谁当过医生, it was her passion for technology that ultimately led her to choose the second alternative.



Can an online course be the beginning of a new career at a global defence and security company? 如果你问约翰娜,答案是肯定的!


七年前,约翰娜第一次涉足亚洲体育博彩平台. After completing her Master of Science in Energy and Environmental Engineering, 她完成了自己的论文,发现了自己真正的激情所在——流程改进. 她很快意识到这项工作的一个关键方面是分析数据, whether it was about energy savings or process improvements in other areas or industries.

“我决定参加一个关于SQL的在线课程, 结构化查询语言, 提高我的数据分析技能. It's funny how that short course turned out to be the most useful for me in my role today. "

她在亚洲体育博彩平台的头几年是一名质量工程师, 约翰娜有机会再次改变方向. 今天 she is a Business Analyst with the primary responsibility of identifying effective ways of using one of the company's business systems. A challenging role that sometimes makes her feel like being a detective – searching in large amounts of complex data to uncover valuable insights.

“我的工作最大的好处就是每天都不一样. 你永远不知道每天会遇到什么样的挑战. "
Johanna Hoxell


Working at a company where most things are classified is certainly something out of the ordinary. But according to Johanna, that also brings the employees at Saab even closer together. 发生在亚洲体育博彩平台的事情留在亚洲体育博彩平台-同样适用于员工. 她的许多同事已经在这家公司工作好几年了, and it goes without saying – that's clear evidence of the positive work environment and the large number of development opportunities within Saab.

" On my first day at Saab, I met with a new colleague who would later be one of my closest teammates. He told me he had started at Saab, thinking he might stay for a short time at the company. 他待了四十年. Seeing the joy and excitement he felt for his work every single day until he retired was really inspiring. "

“我们彼此之间以及我们开发的产品之间有着紧密的联系. I believe it's because of our culture of collaboration and the sense of pride we all feel for our work."
Johanna Hoxell


  1. 亚洲体育博彩平台最好的一点是:
    The wide range of development opportunities that makes people want to stay and grow within the company for a long time. 亚洲体育博彩平台重视员工对公司的了解, 这让我们更容易改变任务, 方向, 和角色.
  2. 最鼓舞人心的:
    Being able to help the business work efficiently and create space for my colleagues to focus on things that are value-adding for the company.

  3. 你最大的优点:
    我善于分析的头脑. Understanding different perspectives is a big advantage in my job as I need to take both the technical developer perspective and the practical business perspective into account.


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